Terms and Conditions

MotorWeb works with a variety of government and non government traffic management organisations.

MotorWeb Australia - Terms of Use 


These terms of use govern your use of this website, and all other websites owned and operated by MotorWeb Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 32 128 803 690) (MotorWeb, we, our or us) and Vehicle ID Australia Pty Limited (VehicleID), (together, the Websites). By accessing, browsing or using the Websites, you agree to be bound to these Terms of Use. If you do not accept these terms, you must stop accessing and using the Websites immediately. 


We may amend these Terms of Use from time to time by posting amended terms on the Websites, so we encourage you to check and read these Terms of Use regularly. By continuing to use the Websites after any such amendment, you are deemed to have agreed to the changes. 


In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms of Use and any agreement you have with MotorWeb or VehicleID, the specific agreement you have with MotorWeb or VehicleID will take precedence over these Terms of Use to the extent of any inconsistency. 




If you have an account through any Website (Account), or if you have access to any Account through your organisation, you must only use the Account for lawful purposes and in accordance with the agreement you or your organisation has with MotorWeb. You are responsible for: 

  • keeping the Account information (e.g. username and password) confidential and secure (including ensuring that your permitted users keep Account information confidential and secure); 
  • keeping each computer used to access the Account secure, including preventing misuse or unauthorised access to any computer used to access the Account; and 
  • ensuring all computer system and data that are used to access any Account are free of computer viruses and all other forms of corruption. 

The organisation that holds the Account is responsible for any action done using the Account. If you suspect there has been unauthorised access to your Account, you must notify us immediately. All data or information transmitted to us through your Account may be relied upon by us in our dealings with you.


We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your Account, and information you may access through your Account, without notice. 


Content on, or access through, the Websites 


While we use reasonable efforts to ensure the content on, or access through, the Websites (Content) is current, accurate and complete, we do not guarantee such Content will be current, accurate or complete when you use or access it. We only provide the Content on an ‘as is’ basis and you must make your own assessment of the suitability of the Content and/or our products and services for your own purposes. We do not accept responsibility for any loss suffered by you or any other person as a result of reliance by you or that person on the accuracy, reliability, completeness or currency of any of the Content.


Give it a go feature


We may provide a Give it a Go features through the Websites. If you choose to use the Give it a Go feature, you agree:

  • you will only do so if you fall within the categories of customers approved to use the Give it a Go functionality, as listed on the Websites;
  • you will only do so for the purpose of trialling MotorWeb’s products and services, to assess whether they are right for your organisation; and
  • you will only use the Give it a Go function one time, and will not seek to use it multiple times through different email addresses or any other means. 


Testing and assessment


We may provide testing and assessment functionality through the Websites. If you choose to use the testing and assessment functionality, you do so subject to our Testing Terms. 


Intellectual Property 


We and our licensors retain all of our intellectual property rights, including our rights in the software and source code used to provide the Website, and right in and to and our products and services (including all data provided through our products and services), and in our trade marks (including, without limitation, MOTORWEB and VEHICLE ID). You may not adapt, reproduce, copy, store, distribute, publish or create derivative works from any part of the Websites, or commercialise or on-sell any Content, except as express set out in these Terms of Use or any other agreement between us and you, without our prior written consent.  


All liability excluded 


To the extent permitted by law, we do not accept liability for:

  • any warranties, representations and guarantees (whether express, implied or statutory), including without limit, suitability, fitness for purpose, accuracy or completeness of the Websites or their Content; 
  • any system unavailability or any loss that is incurred as a result of the Websites being unavailable; 
  • errors in, or omissions from, the materials or facilities; and
  • any loss or damage caused to any equipment or software owing to any viruses, defects or malfunctions in connection with accessing or using the Websites or any Content. 

We will not be liable for any damage, loss or expenses, or indirect losses or consequential damages of any kind, suffered or incurred by you in connection with your access to or use of the Websites or their Content.


While we strive to protect your information, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure so we do not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information which you transmit to us. Any information which you transmit to us is transmitted at your own risk.




Our Privacy Policy governs how we handle personal information. You can read our Privacy Policy here. 


Third party materials


The Websites may contain links to third party websites. These are not controlled by MotorWeb and are provided for your convenience only. We do not check, endorse, approve or agree with the third party websites it links to. Third party websites are subject to their own terms and conditions, which you should ensure you read and comply with.




If any of these terms are found to be void, unlawful or unenforceable, they will be deemed to be severed from these Terms of Use to the extent of their invalidity, illegality and/or unenforceability only and the remainder of these Terms of Use will remain in full force and effect.


You must comply with all laws in relation to your access or use of the Websites, including laws of the country in which you reside or from which you access the Websites.


The Terms of Use and your use of the Websites are governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia and parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales. Any rights not expressly granted in these terms are reserved by us.


Last updated August 2024